May 15, 2007

India is a land of infinite possibilities. A land of infinite definitions.
The way I feel about India is perhaps best captured by these images I had taken (first 2 in chawri bazar, new delhi, and the third one in Worli, mumbai)....India is a land grappling with modernization, globalization, development....grappling, because while we're taking immense pride in the 8% gdp growth numbers, and the offshoring opportunities, besides n number of development indices, we still struggle to come to terms with basic issues....stealing electricity, lawlessness, uninhibited population, traffic congestion in metros, pitiable roads, corruption....i can go on and on....but the winds, they sure are a changing......its refreshing to be in India at this historical crossroad....a country the world is looking up to, for driving the next round of growth. Amen.


  1. Hey Puneet,

    Didn't know you were such a good poet !! :-)

    Keep writing and all the best in both your personal & professional endeavours.


  2. thanks...half the fun is gone from life if you start knowing the other person completely! :-)

  3. Hey Puneet,

    I am super impressed with your writings and poems. Sittting here very far from homeland, it helped me reconnect with Indeah. I really miss my country..

    Hope to see you on my next visit to India..

    keep writing!

