Mar 27, 2008

Hindi News Channels:The assault continues!

the sad part, really, is that even after all this, media planners and marketing folks like me keep aside some budget for these channels....dont see things improving at fact, even ndtv india or ibn 7 have started following such an approach now...guess it was bound to happen, when you have "news" being shown 24*7..

2 years back, when i was in new york, there was a breaking news story on prime time on fox news, which was about a cat caught on a tree, that had the most advanced nation in the world watching the 'rescue' operation live for an ultimately firemen had to come and rescue the cat from the tree...i couldnt help but think then that how dumb can a country get? 

unfortunately, the country widely recognized as amongst the brainiest in the world is now following the same path.

Thank You Aaj Tak. Thank You Star News. Thank You India TV.
Thank You all for such wonderful , wholesome entertainment.
Hope you all are very proud of still being called journalists........

1 comment:

  1. i m glad to see atlast somebody who is sensitive to the news these days for whom i was searching the net from the past week , I appericiate ur blog , according to me these news readers are the worst people on this earth as after speaking with so much echo malthough they know the ground reality n what they are speaking how they sleep at night? try to create the line shown on ur blog using some important people that can tell the country what does it realy means as for eg. THE HEADLINE ON STARNEWS WAS PANCHVI PASS ME THUGG ? IF WE SAY MANMOHAN SINGH IS A CHEAT? THE Q MARK DOES NOT GIVE IMPRESSION IT REQUIRES
